Begin your healing journey


Greetings, my name is Ernie Flores.  If you are looking for a transformative healing experience using the ancient art of shamanic healing, then you have come to the right place.

These shamanic sessions reconnect you to your own source of spiritual guidance that we are all naturally equipped with but have often lost this connection.

Imagine living your life connected to your own internal compass. Once you begin following this internal guidance, your life will begin to open up and new possibilities and new solutions emerge that are aligned to your highest potential.

Private sessions are in person at Holistic Path for Wellness in Medford, Oregon or a Zoom call.  Group workshops are being offered at Holistic Path for Wellness.  Sign up for the newsletter to keep posted about the workshop offerings.


Meet your Spirit Animal | Soul Retrievals | Ancestral Lineage Healing
Energy Clearings | Cord Cutting | Energy Clearing for Home, Business or Land

Online Event

Flyer for shamanic workshop to meet your animal spirit guides.

Meet Your Animal Spirit Guides- Aug. 25, 2024

Imagine never feeling alone because you feel a whole team of support with you all the time.  Your animal guides will always have your back. Imagine your Confidence growing because you feel a team of support guiding you with important decisions. Imagine feeling a new level of Safety and Security

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In-Person Event

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