Terms and Agreements


For membership the member agrees to this Hold Harmless and Indemnity Affirmation Agreement wavier is a mutual and permanent agreement held between the member and Flores Shamanic Healing Private Member Association (FSHPMA), For valuable consideration, and compensation, as wages for labor, donation, payment, exchange, or tender, member does so without benefit of discussion, and without division, does hereby expressly agree, covenant, and undertake the indemnification of, and does hold member: i: harmless from and against, all: claims or legal actions, guarantees, warranties, orders, warrants, judgments, demands, liabilities, losses, harm, depositions, summons[s], lawsuits, costs, fines, liens, levies, penalties, damages, interests, and expenses whatsoever, both absolute and contingent, as are due or may hereafter arise, to include, but not to limit to any such claims and the like that may hereafter arise with regard to any and all collateral, processes, procedures and the like of the member; member does hereby expressly covenant and agree member is not under any circumstances a consideration for  an accommodation party nor a surety for said member;

For membership equitable consideration, do hereby apply for membership in Flores Shamanic Healing Private Member Association, a private Court of Record aka Common Laws that are Supreme and immune to all Statutory Admiralty Court;

  1. Courts of Record must proceed according to the course of the common law, without the aid of a statute.  
  2. Courts which proceed according to statutory jurisdiction are inferior courts, and may be sued directly, without appealing. 
  3. Courts designated as courts of record may act as statutory courts unless the parties to a case object. 
  4. The “judge” has no discretion in a court of record, and can only do ministerial functions, such as signing your orders. 
  5. No judgment of a court of record can be appealed.  There is no higher court. 
  6. The type of relief demanded by the plaintiff determines if the court will operate as a court of record or not, on a case by case basis. 
  7. There is no such thing as a “common law court.”  All courts of record can hear actions at (common) law.”


 And is Private Shamanic Healing membership organization, herein after ‘Association.’ With the signing of this membership agreement, I accept the full responsibility of becoming a member of FSHPMA and have read and fully agree with the following Declaration of purpose from Article I of the FSHPMA Articles of Association as evidenced by my signature below;

ARTICLE I – Declaration of Purpose

  1. This Private Association of members hereby declares that our main purpose and objective is to maintain, protect, use and enjoy our God-Given and Constitutionally protected rights including but not limited to, freedom of choice regarding our own Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness, including but not limited to living our Best Life, full of Health and Wellness and Success in Mind, Body and Spirit, and further, access to the Truth, the Best Education, Best Information and Best Shamanic Care.
  2. We believe that the Amendments to the lawful Constitution for the United States of America including but not limited to the 1st, 4th, 5th and also the 9th guarantees our members the Rights of Religious Freedom and the free Exercise thereof, Freedom of Speech and Expression, the Right of Peaceful Assembly and the Right to Petition for Redress of Grievances, includes the Right to gather together for lawful purpose including advising and helping one another in asserting our individual rights under the Organic Constitution for the nited States of America and any lawful American Federal and State Constitutions.
  3. We strive to maintain and improve our civil rights, Constitutional protections, guarantees, and freedom of choice in life, health and wellness of every living member.
  4. We proclaim the Freedom and Reserve the Right to choose and use for ourselves any types of resources we believe are best for achieving and maintaining our Best Life, including but not limited to Happiness, Health and Wellness of our Minds, Bodies and Spirit including but not limited to any: Advice, Recommendation, Skill, Tool, Benefit, Service, Evaluation, Information, Education, Know-how, Process, Shamanic Healing, Technique, Remedy, Modality, Technology and/or Care, etc. herein called Resources, whether or not these resources have ever been known, practiced or used by any type of practitioner and/or healer anywhere the world over whether traditional, nontraditional, conventional or otherwise.
  5. We declare the basic right of all of our members to choose a member(s) from our number who can be expected to give wise counsel and advice concerning our needs for physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual health and wellness and further to select from our membership the Board of Director Founding member who is skilled to assist and facilitate the actual performance and delivery of any resources. We also declare that these resources have value and just compensation may be given in return without benefit of discussion, and without division, does hereby expressly agree, covenant, and undertake the indemnification of.
  6. The Mission of our Association is to provide members with the highest-level resources and the most effective methods of quality Shamanic care. Our Association understands that wellness has many dimensions mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually and strives to become aware of and stay on the leading edge of all effective life wellness resources.
  1. The association may offer a variety of resources to its members for equitable consideration, hereinafter fee(s), to improve life experience, health, wellness, and general overall well-being including but not limited to safe and healthy Shamanic alternatives. These resources may be sourced from and/or provided to the Private Shamanic Healing membership organization.
  1. The Association will recognize any living man or woman, irrespective of race, color, or religion, who is in and maintains
    full accordance with these articles and understandings as a member and may provide a suitable place and/or medium
    through which individual members may associate for actuating and bringing to fruition the purposes herein declared.



  1. I understand that fellow members of the Association who may provide any form of resources do so in the capacity of a fellow member and not in any form of licensed and/or regulated health care provider capacity;
  2. I further understand that within the association no doctor-patient relationship exists but only a contract member-member Association relationship; In addition, I have freely chosen to change my legal status from a public patient to a private research member of the Association in order to do my own research and am fully responsible for my course of actions;
  3. I further understand that it is entirely my own responsibility to consider any and all advice and/or recommendations, etc. offered to me by any fellow member and to fully educate myself as to any efficacy, desirability and/or risks, and as such, any acceptance of anything offered and/or recommended is my own carefully considered decision; I am and remain able to freely accept and/or reject anything offered in part or in totality and may stop anything or everything at any time;
  4. I further understand that any resources may be considered alternative and therefore No form of promise, guarantee and/or any warranty has, is or will ever be offered; I am and remain fully and solely responsible for any and all outcomes and/or lack thereof for any and all choices, decisions, actions and/or in-actions I choose to make and I acknowledge that I am hereby encouraged to do my own research on any and all other means, options and/or possibilities, etc. and to ask any questions to my own satisfaction before accepting any form of resources of the association and/or members at any time;
  5. I further agree that I am and remain fully and individually responsible for any and all expenses, loss, injury, harm and/or damage I cause to self, others, resources, equipment, facilities, etc. whether intentional, unintentional and/or accidental including but not limited to any and all forms of Shamanic recovery; All Transactions are understood to be Final, and any transfers, exchanges and/or substitutions may be considered case-by-case by the association. A $75.00 NSF fee applies per instance;
  6. Any request by me to a fellow member and/or any offer of a fellow member to assist me or provide me with any resource is my own freewill decision in an exercise of my rights and made by me for my benefit and I agree to hold the Founding Member(s), staff and other worker members, the Association and their assigns harmless from any unintentional liability for the results of such resources, actions, in-actions, etc., except for harm resulting from instances of a clear and present danger of substantive evil as determined by the Association, as stated and defined by the United States Supreme Court;
  7. I accept goals of improving my Life, including my Mind, Body and Spirit to function better and choosing resources that are safe and have a reasonably good chance to succeed, realizing that no evaluation, technique, process and/or remedy is foolproof; Other aspects of informed consent will take place in my discussions with the providers and my fellow members of the Association;
  8. The Founding Member and members have chosen Ernie Flores who is a researcher, a Shamanic Practitioner and who is not a doctor or any other form of licensed health care practitioner, as the one best qualified to perform Shamanic services to members of the Association and entrust him to select other members to assist him in carrying out his services;
  9. In addition, I understand that since the Association is protected by the First and Fourth Amendments to the United States Constitution, it is outside the venue, jurisdiction and authority of Statutory Admiralty Federal and State Impersonating Agencies and implied Authorities concerning any and all complaints or grievances against the Association are harmless from and against, all: claims or legal actions, guarantees, warranties, orders, warrants, judgments, demands, liabilities, losses, harm, depositions, summons[s], lawsuits, costs, fines, liens, levies, penalties, damages, interests, and expenses whatsoever, both absolute and contingent, of the Founding Member, and any members or other staff member; 
  10. Because the privacy and security of this Private membership records maintained within the Association which have been held to be inviolate by the U.S. Supreme Court, the undersigned member waives complaint or claim process;
  11. Records kept by the association will be strictly protected and only released upon written request of the member; All records and documents remain private property of the Association, even if I the member receive a copy of them;
  12. All rights of complaints or grievances will be settled by an Association Committee and shall be waived by the member for the benefit of the Association and its members;
  13. I agree that violation of any waivers in this membership contract will result in a lawful no contest proceeding in a Court of Record against me;

14. I agree to join the FSH Association, a private membership association under constitutional law, whose members seek to help each other achieve better mental health, wellness and live longer with good quality of life;

15. If any part of this agreement was to be found lawfully invalid as evidenced by a lawful Affidavit of Truth rebutting each and every point under penalty of perjury and duly notarized with wet ink signatures observing in the Maxims of the Supreme Law, the rest of this agreement shall remain fully in force;

16. The venue and jurisdiction of this agreement for any and all actions is in Court of Record Courts without Oregon or any other State.

17. My activities within the Association are a private matter that I shall not share with any State or Federal officials such as the FBI, DHS, HLS or any other Federal Impersonating Agencies, the State Medical Board, the FDA, or my own insurance company without expressed specific written permission from the Association; I fully agree to never file any Statutory malpractice and/or other wrongful lawsuit against a fellow member of the Association, unless that member has intentionally caused me harm of a ‘clear and present danger of substantive evil’ and this is done with a Court Of Record  process as determined by the Association, as stated and defined by the Articles 1-10 of The Organic Constitution of The united States Of America;

18. I certify and affirm that I do not represent any organization including but not limited to any state or federal agency(s) whose purpose is to regulate and/or enforce statute law, admiralty law and/or the practice of medicine and/or have any hidden agenda to act in any way against the association and/or its members in violation of our constitutionally protected rights;

19. I enclose the fee of $10.00 which will be folded into your first payment of services, as consideration for my lifetime membership contract, with the term beginning on the date of applicant approval by an authorized FSHPMA member; The consideration is non-refundable after member acceptance;

20. I understand that the membership fee entitles me to receive some basic benefits declared by the Founding Member to be “general benefits” free of further annual fees; I agree to give equitable consideration for value as determined by the association for any resources that I receive that are declared by the Founding Member to be “special assessments” per current Fee Schedule;

21. I do understand and agree this is the complete agreement and nothing verbally said or otherwise offered via any medium at any time, past, present or future by any party, member or otherwise shall alter this agreement in any way; All member Transactions are Final and any Substitution(s) may be considered by the association on a case-by-case basis;

22. I agree to protect and never copy or share any member and/or association information in any way by any means; I further understand that by violating any term(s) of this agreement, my Association membership will terminate and I will be held fully accountable to make amends and equitable consideration to the fullest extent of any and all lawful means available;

23. I do hereby declare and affirm that I am of sound mind and I am lawfully able to enter into this agreement and do willfully sign of my own free will (and as Legal Guardian if on behalf of my under 18 year dependent) without any pressure, duress and/or promise of any outcome other than membership, and further I do hereby certify, attest, affirm and warrant that I have carefully read, do fully understand and do completely agree with this entire agreement having had sufficient and ample opportunity to have any and all questions and/or concerns answered to my complete satisfaction prior to endorsing;