Have you ever woken up from a dream and wished you could go back to finish it or to see what happens next? Do you have any recurring dreams that you want to understand the meaning of? How about an unsettling dream that you want resolution with?
Join me for an online shamanic dream journey workshop, where you will gain more understanding of your dreams to unlock their messages. You’ll gain more skills with how to interpret your dreams. You’ll learn skills to remember your dreams and participate in a live shamanic drum journey, where you’ll be able to work with one of your dreams.
In the journey, we will enter the world of the intangible and with the help of our spiritual team of guides, angels and ancestors, we will call in the dream that you want support with. Our subconscious mind communicates to us through symbols, metaphors, and dreams. We will be using our imagination as a doorway to enter this sacred space. You will have an opportunity to bring your dream into focus in your subconscious mind and create solutions for your life. Our dreams mirror what is going on in our psyche. By altering the dream narrative we can support ourselves with moving through internal challenges and help you cope with life stressors in a new way that bypasses your ego/mind.
No previous experience is necessary. All religious and spiritual traditions are welcomed.
Ernie has a masters degree in counseling psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute and has over 30 years of experience working with his own dreams. He had a 25 year career as a therapist, and has accredited training as a shamanic practitioner since 2021.
Online Event Date: July 28, 2024
Time: 3-4:30pm Pacific time zone
Preparations: Prepare for the journey by having a comfortable and quiet place to lay down or sit, where you won’t be distracted. Come with a clear intention about what you want support with. To optimally hear the drumming and instruments, use headphones or computer speakers. Do not ingest alcohol or other substances the day of the event.
Contact Ernie if you have questions Here.